Sri Lanka Preparedness Partnership (SLPP) was formed under the flagship of Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) in September 2017 with the collaborat...
The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) launched the “Social Innovation Grand Challenge” on 4 May 2021 under the Asian Preparedness Partnership...
The need for Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) was clear as more and more hazards became disasters. The EOC is normally a nerve center for the centr...
The manual introduces disaster risk reduction and management practitioners to the core concepts underpinning a rights-based and inclusive approach to...
The guidebook explains the process to conduct Framework for Integrating Rights and Equality (FIRE) training. The four-module training highlights the...
The guideline provides essential information on Protection against Lightning (PaL). It includes an introduction to lightning, the causes of the incid...
The guidebook provides instructors with the methodology to conduct training on protection against lightning (PaL) and electric fire safety (EFS). The...
The handbook details the general concepts and various approaches and methods for protection against lightning (PaL) and electric fire safety (EFS). I...