The Preparedness Partnership of Cambodia (PPC) established under APP, works towards improving preparedness for response and recovery from disasters in Cambodia and comprises of member organizations from the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), Federation of Associations for SMEs in Cambodia (FASMEC) and the local humanitarian network – Cambodia Humanitarian Forum (CHF).

PPC’s National Management Group (NMG) coordination meetings are organized quarterly to update key stakeholders on recent achievements. Additionally, site visits to areas prone to natural disaster risk are planned to facilitate learning on local impacts and to allow member organizations and communities to share their experiences on DRR. The 3rd PPC-NMG was organized on 14th December 2018 in Battambang province with 14 members in attendance. Members from NCDM, Provincial Committee for Disaster Management (PCDM), Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology (PDoWRAM), FASMEC, CHF, ADPC and Partnership for Development in Kampuchea (PADEK) came together to evaluate the quarter’s activities and learn firsthand about the impacts of flooding on the Battambang province from the site visits.  

Mr. Phoeuk Sok, National Project Manager from ADPC, welcomed members to the 3rd PPC-NMG coordination meeting and explained how PPC’s activities integrate into the APP results framework, which was supplemented by Mr. Chin Vibol, PPC Communication Focal Point & CHF Coordinator, who recalled the following key actions points from the previous meeting:

•    Develop new training materials with support from NCDM 
•    Finalize the draft TORs for future PPC-NGM meetings
•    Translating iPrepare business resilience toolkits to Khmer
•    Prepare for the upcoming national workshop for line ministry officials

Mr. Sok also summarized PPC’s achievements for the quarter, notably the success of Emergency Assessment training course in October that improved participants’ disaster assessment capacities in Pursat province through a comprehensive training curriculum. Apart from reviewing the progress and arrangements for upcoming activities, members engaged in extensive discussions on designing tailored courses catering to private sector needs, developing case studies, project proposals and finalizing sub-grant modalities.

Site visit to Kamping Pouy Reservoir and AMRU rice mill

Following the discussions in the coordination meeting, members proceeded to visit the Kamping Pouy Reservoir, a massive hand-built dam stretching between two mountains in Ta Nget village of the Ta Kriem Commune.  Mr. Khay Soda, Deputy Director, PDoWRAM coordinated the visit to help members learn about water reservoir management. Flash floods from the Thai border frequently increase the lake’s water levels and pressure on the dam, resulting in flooding events in the country. The PDoWRAM closely monitors the dam and reports directly to the government for any intervention and action.   

Site visit to Kamping Pouy Reservoir

The next visit was at AMRU rice mill which was coordinated by Mr. Mandy Souk, Membership Coordinator, FASMEC to study business resilience strategies. Participants learned about the company’s attention to maintaining a structurally sound organization with long-term strategic goals through close relationships with farmers’ groups and government stakeholders. Flash flooding in the area not only affects business operations and the local economy, but also food security in the province as contract farmers’ rice production and quality is affected by such disasters.  

Site visit to AMRU rice mill