
The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago of islands. The country is divided into three areas from the northernmost tip of Luzon to Visayas, and Mindanao at the south. Only 2,000 of the 7,614 islands are inhabited by 109 million people. The nation’s proximity to the Ring of Fire and typhoon belts in the Pacific ocean make it prone to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters. Located right above the equator, the Philippines islands are surrounded by warm waters. However, these waters also cause up to 20 typhoons a year that threaten the 60% of the population living along with the low-lying coastal areas. 

The Philippines has an overall risk index of 5.3. The country’s most common disaster events of earthquakes (10.0), tropical cyclones (9.5), and tsunamis (9.3).

Members of Philippine Preparedness Partnership (PhiPrep)

OCD was founded in 1972 and is an organization with the Philippines’ Department of National Defense which serves as the implementing arm of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC). It has the primary mission of administering a comprehensive national civil defense and disaster risk reduction and management program by providing leadership in the continuous development of strategic and systematic approaches as well as measures to reduce the vulnerabilities and risks to hazards and manage the consequences of disasters.

CDP was founded in 1999 and is a resource center for community-based disaster risk management. It has specifically contributed to the capacity-building of NGOs and government through interactive training and networking activities on preparedness, mitigation and prevention.

PDRF was established in 2009 as the country’s major private sector vehicle and coordinator for disaster management. It works with field experts and humanitarian institutions to organize and coordinate private sector solutions towards disaster management.

Recent Publications


Philippine Preparedness Partnership (PhilPrep) 


Business Continuity Capability and Readiness Assessment Checklist


Disaster Risks and Needs Assessment Tool

APP News


Empowering Local Communities: PhilPrep Launches Early Warning Initiatives in Tarlac City


Joint Workshop on ‘Preparing for Recovery: An Imperative for Building Back Better in Asia’


ADPC Organizes Institutional Visit to Thailand for Philippine Delegation

Our Stories


Loreine B. Dela Cruz, the Executive Director, Center for Disaster Preparedness


Acting Locally, Helping Globally: Reflections on Local Humanitarian Action and International Cooperation


Never Too Small for Hope- Part III (Service Economy)


Learn more about the Philippine Preparedness Partnership (PHILPREP) – APP’s national chapter in the Philippines. The partnership work to promote local-led disaster preparedness and response across the country with the cooperation of local partners. PHILPREP also strives to empower the global south through South-South learning and knowledge exchange consolidated from its extensive engagement with communities.

Useful Links

National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

DRRM Knowledge Center

Philippines Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

Department of Social Welfare and Development