Climate-induced disasters are increasing in frequency and severity every day. These constantly evolving disasters require innovative solutions. The key to mitigating its risks is preparedness. 

Since 1998, PEER is working to build the capacity of frontliners across South Asia. We have developed a network of trained instructors and responders in vulnerable communities to strengthen their resilience against disasters. But we understand that preparedness cannot solve the problem alone, it has to backed by an efficient response plan. Building upon our previous success, we focus on mobilizing the potential of nations in disaster management by embedding our curricula and processes into their training and institutional mechanisms. 

We believe that all the countries have the potential to be #PEERPrepared. To ease this process of institutionalization, we have laid out 9 conditions.

PEER's approach to resilience

The nine conditions of institutionalization serve as PEER’s commitment to embedding its curricula into the response systems of developing countries and unleashing their potential towards building a safer tomorrow. 

It provides a  framework, highlighting the critical entry points for countries. These conditions are standardized assessment tools that review the status of institutionalization.


Condition 1: Nationally Adapted PEER Curricula

Recent Publications


Integrated Solutions in Crisis Response: Instilling PEER in Pakistan


Shifting Paradigm: How PEER has transformed Disaster Training and Approaches in Bangladesh