Strengthening coordination mechanism and working in a Partnership
A reflective meeting on collaboration between Department of Social Welfare (DSW) and Development Partners was held on 03 February 2023 to reflect on the activities implemented by the Social Welfare Department in 2022 and explore cooperation and coordination with international organizations and other development partners for the upcoming work plan. Chaired by H.E. Mmme Baykham Khattiya, Minister of Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the meeting was attended by representatives from 11 organizations including DSW, different INGOs, UN agencies, CSO and private sector under the APP. While ADPC presented the co-implemented activities with DSW; the meeting served as an opportunity for the private sector and CSO partners to learn and reflect on the work done by the Government in preparedness for response.

Annual Reflective Meeting on Disaster Preparedness and Response of National and Provincial Disaster Management Committee
An Annual Reflective meeting of the Disaster Management Committee Members with national and provincial level representatives took place on 17 February 2023 to report and evaluate the disaster response plans of the National and Provincial Disaster Management Committee as part of monsoon planning. Attended by 130 individuals including 15 women, the Department of Social Welfare presented the final draft of the Multi-stakeholder partnership Terms of Reference (ToR) for seeking approval from the Chair of National Disaster Management Committee (NDMC) who serves as the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense.
Lessons learned from this reflection will be used to improve the upcoming work plan for the year 2023. The ToR development process also included feedback and comments from the CSO and private sector partners under the APP program reflecting the partnership approach adopted by the country.