Launching Workshop on Guideline for Mainstreaming Gender and Inclusion in Disaster Management

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The Preparedness Partnership for Cambodia (PPC) has included gender mainstreaming guidelines in its key activities. NCDM led this work with the support from United Nations (UN) Women, PPC, and other stakeholders through a series of meetings, and a two-day pilot training to use the guideline together with a reflection session conducted from April 2021 until September 2021. All the partners such as NCDM technical officials, Ministry of Women Affairs, UN Women, United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA), Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Partnership for Development in Kampuchea (PADEK), Dan Church Aid (DCA), ActionAid, World Food Programme (WFP), Save the Children, Plan International, ChildFund, and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have closely coordinated and discussed the ways to improve and finalize the Gender Mainstreaming Development Guidelines on Disaster Management with Inclusion. As the result, the guideline was completely developed and translated into the local language in September as planned. The event seeks to:

  • to introduce the guideline and
  • to share the action plan to deliver training for the focal points

Additional Details

Organizer - National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM)

Time Zone - Cambdoia

To register for this event please visit the following URL:



25 Nov 21 - 25 Nov 21


@ 08:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Time Zone




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