The case study provides a detailed look into how the Preparedness Partnership of Cambodia (PPC) contributed to an update of a national flood prepared...
One component of disaster risk reduction strategies employed in the health sector, among others, is assessing the safety of healthcare facilities, id...
Hospital Emergency Response Plan (HERP) is a comprehensive plan which focuses on how a hospital will respond to an actual threat from early warning,...
In the current phase of PEER, it aims to integrate its methodology and curricula into the institutional plans and budgets. PEER identified nine essen...
The case study provides a detailed look into how the Myanmar Preparedness Partnership (MPP) contributed to an update of a national contingency plan d...
The program for Strengthening Emergency Preparedness and Resilience in Bangladesh (SERB), formed under the purview of ADPC, seeks to contribute to th...
Since its introduction in 2005 in Pakistan, PEER has focused on capacity building of personnel of first response organisations including the army, ci...
In Bangladesh, Fire Services and Civil Defence (FSCD) has been the foremost implementing institution for PEER and one of the first to integrate its c...