On 21 June 2021, ADPC organized an inter-sectoral meeting to understand the sectoral priorities, multi-stakeholder partnership platform vision, and the way forward for improving the emergency response system. Officials from multiple sectors participated, specifically the government, private sector, academia, and local non-governmental organizations (LNGO) led by the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR).
As the Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2021 puts it, local and national actors, including governments, NGOs, and societies, are often the first to respond to crises. Through the localization agenda, there has been a growing focus on enhancing the role of local and national actors in decision-making and coordination processes, as well as access to funding.

The Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) regional partnership advocates for localization as a process whereby local, sub-national and national organizations collaborate and take a lead role in the implementation of preparedness actions through mobilizing internal as well as external funding. It aims to bring the voice of locally-led actors to the forefront of disaster risk reduction. The BPP aims to mobilize local partners to support the implementation of Standing Orders on Disaster (SOD) 2019 and enhance emergency preparedness for response and recovery in Bangladesh. A multi-stakeholder partnership platform will be established to collaboratively plan and implement priority interventions for an inclusive, integrated emergency management system at multiple levels in Bangladesh. Further, the partnership model will help steer the effective and coordinated operationalization of the SOD 2019 through an ‘All of Society’ approach.
A series of sectoral and inter-sectoral meetings have helped the different sectors develop a common understanding and collaboration principles towards the shared goal of inclusive and integrated emergency management systems through the SOD 2019.
Representatives from the MoDMR, Dhaka University, BRAC University, Cyclone Preparedness Program (CPP), Fire Service and Civil Defense (FSCD), Department of Disaster Management (DDM), Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce & Industries (FBCCI), National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors in Bangladesh (NAHAB), Bangladesh Scouts, Foundation of Disaster Forum, Center for Disability in Development (CDD), Network for Information Response and Preparedness Activities on Disaster (NIRAPAD), and BRAC- Humanitarian Programme and Disaster Network (DNET) got together for the first time to discuss on a common agenda for preparedness for disaster response.
The different sectors highlighted priority issues and recommendations in their respective sectors ranging from capacity strengthening of professionals, developing information and knowledge hubs, working groups for effective coordination, task forces to monitor the implementation of the Bangladesh Building National Code (BNBC), and Standing Orders on Disasters (SOD). Mr. Abdullah Al Arif appreciated the efforts of all the sectoral representatives and suggested the development of a BPP roadmap to address the needs and recommendations for a resilient Bangladesh.