Launch of the Asian Disaster Readiness Fund (ADRF)

919 919 people viewed this event.

Date: 30 July 2024

Time: 11:30 – 13:00 Bangkok time

Platform: Zoom


The Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP), established in 2017, aims to strengthen locally led actions for disaster preparedness and emergency response in Asia. It includes Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and since 2023, Lao PDR. Supported by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID BHA), APP enhances coordination among governments, local humanitarian and civil society organizations, the private sector, academia, and the media. This collaboration has improved disaster preparedness and emergency response capacities through training, capacity development, knowledge sharing, innovations, and south-south learning exchanges.

Asian Disaster Readiness Fund (ADRF):

ADRF, institutionalized within ADPC, aims to support multi-sectoral partnerships and local actors in disaster preparedness and emergency response, enhancing community resilience and preparedness. Its main objective is “to strengthen the preparedness of local actors to anticipate risks and enhance emergency response and recovery through multi-stakeholder approaches.”


Announce the formal launch of the ADRF: Introduce the fund, its purpose, significance, and governance.

Funding Cycle of 2024: Discuss the first ‘Funding Cycle 2024’ of the ADRF, the priority themes, eligibility criteria, and the application process.

Call for proposals: Formally announce the call for proposals from the APP member countries for the Funding Cycle 2024.

Event Methodology:

The event will be conducted virtually via Zoom to accommodate the participation of key stakeholders from different countries.


The virtual event will bring together a diverse group of key stakeholders including:

  1. Co-chairs of APP Member Countries and the National Steering Committee (NSC) members
  2. Donors and Developmental Partners
  3. Nominated ADRF committee members
  4. ADPC / APP Secretariat officials and staff

Additional Details

Organizer - APP

Time Zone - Bangkok Time

To register for this event please visit the following URL:



30 Jul 24 -


@ 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM

Time Zone

Bangkok Time



Online Event

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