Under Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP), one of our key focus areas is South-South learning and knowledge sharing within the Asian region and beyond. We seek opportunities for knowledge exchange and learning that will contribute to the greater regional, inter-regional, and global cooperation to create an enabling environment for humanitarian system transformation. Promoting localization is one of the main components of this agenda as the role of local actors is integral in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery phases. With this in mind, we initiated a virtual learning dialogue with the Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR) on October 15, 2020. The organization similarly strives to strengthen local participation at all levels of development and disaster management. 

Shahida Arif (Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific) and Alix Masson (Advocacy Lead) from the NEAR presented the Localisation Performance Measurement Framework (LPMF) to the ADPC team involved in implementing interventions at the ground with multiple local partners to orient them regarding the process and the key components of the LPMF. The framework was created by the NEAR in order to substantiate and to evidence the progress made towards achieving localization commitments. The LPMF has been guided by the aspiration to offer an approach that is clear, practical, and that can assist in strengthening the evidence base for localization and advance a common understanding of the progress that is being made towards achieving this, as well as identifying areas of weakness.

The LPMF provides detailed markers to monitor progress towards enhancing localization.

The virtual event concluded with engaging dialogue during which Alix and Shahida explained how the LPMF has previously been applied and how these mechanisms can be utilized in the unique context of the interventions across our member countries. Under APP, we look forward to future collaborations that will advance engagements with the NEAR to build greater knowledge and inter-regional cooperation as tools to enhance locally-led actions.