“After the training, I also had the opportunity to participate in the APP/NPP Protection against Lightning (PaL) orientation. This one-day orientation sparked my interest and encouraged me to engage further through a three-day training on PaL. After these trainings I returned to my work with a strong understanding of how to address risks associated with hazards in my district. I think this training was important for my work because in Udayapur, five to six deaths occur annually due to lightning.” – Premuka Rai, Program Coordinator, Human Rights and Environment Development Center (HURENDEC)
Nepal Preparedness Partnership (NPP) trainings support local coordinators to make big changes in communities. This case-study is part of an initiative to capture individual stories of change by APP national chapters in each country to highlight how their interventions have benefited the communities at large. These individuals have enthusiastically participated in APP activities and taken it a step beyond to propel concrete actions in making their communities prepared for disasters.