Official Website
- The Government of the Philippines
The COVID-19 PH official website provides real-time updates on the national context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The site includes information regarding the number of cases, news and issuances, briefings, photos, and videos. It also addresses frequently asked questions (FAQs) (English & Local Languages).
- The Department of Health
The department provides the national context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The site includes information regarding the number of cases, public advisories, press briefings, and the latest news updates (English & Local Languages).
- Laging Handa PH- Vaccine Updates
The organization has dedicated a page that provides the latest information on the primer, fact sheets, and zoning guidelines for vaccine trials (English).
- Department of Health (DOH)- Vaccine Updates
The department has dedicated a page that provides updates on COVID-19 vaccines. It includes links to frequently asked questions (FAQs), policies, and the latest information that the public needs to know about COVID-19 vaccines.
Reports & Guidelines
- Declaring State of Calamity throughout the Philippines due to COVID-19 (OP 200316 Proclamation No. 929)
The country declared a state of calamity throughout the whole country on March 16, 2020. This declaration included an Enchanted Community Quarantine (ECQ) throughout Luzon (English).
- Declaring the Existence of a National Emergency Arising from COVID-19 Situation (OP 200324 Republic Act No. 11469)
The country enacted Republic Act No. 11469 known as “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act” on March 24, 2020. It declares the existence of a national emergency arising from the COVID-19 situation, and it authorizes the president to exercise emergency powers (English).
- Extension of the Enhanced Community Quarantine over the Entire Luzon Until 30 April 2020
The ECQ in Luzon was extended to April 30, 2020, on April 7, 2020. All concerned agencies were directed to continue implementing existing guidelines relative to the ECQ during the period of extension (English).
- Guidelines on the Use of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Response (DOH 200407 MC No. 2020-0016)
The guidelines have been on the use of telemedicine in COVID-19 response to enable patients to receive health services even while staying at home or to avail of COVID-19-related health services (English).
- Privacy Guidelines on the Processing and Disclosure of COVID-19 Related Data for Disease Surveillance and Response
The privacy guidelines provide information on the processing and disclosure of COVID-19 related data for disease surveillance and response. It emphasizes that public health action must be promoted while safeguarding the data privacy rights of every individual (English).
- Guidelines on the Risk-Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19 Mitigation
The order aims to guide sectoral planning on the implementation of minimum public health standards to mitigate the threat of COVID-19. The other objectives are to increase physical and mental resilience and reduce transmission, contact, and the duration of infection (English).
- Imposing an Enhanced Community Quarantine in High-risk Geographic Areas of the Philippines and a General Community Quarantine in the Rest of the Country from 01 to 15 May 2020
An ECQ was imposed in high-risk geographic areas from May 1-15, 2020. The rest of the country was placed under a General Community Quarantine (GCQ) to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 and prevent the overburdening of the healthcare system (English).
- Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19
Select private institutions are allowed to operate during an ECQ and a GCQ. The guidelines aim to assist them in developing the minimum health protocols and standards in light of the COVID-19 pandemic (English).
- Minimum Health System Capacity Standards for Preparedness and Response Strategies
The order aims to define the minimum health system capacity standards for COVID-19 preparedness and response strategies as guidance for sectoral and local planning. It shall apply to both the public and private sectors (English).
- Guidelines on the Operations of Malls and Shopping Centers in Areas Declared under General Community Quarantine (GCQ)
The guidelines were provided for Mall operators and commercial establishments allowed to operate under GCQ are prescribed to strictly comply with. They were placed to discourage loitering and unnecessary foot traffic inside malls and shopping centers (English).
- Guidelines for Public Transport in Areas under General Community Quarantine (GCQ)
The guidelines have been adopted in areas under GCQ by the road, rail, aviation, and maritime sectors to ensure the wellbeing and safety of the commuters (English).
- Guidelines on Identifying Geographically-Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs) and Strengthening their Health Systems
The guidelines provide direction to all stakeholders in improving access to quality healthcare through province-wide or city-wide health systems, and equitable and sustainable health financing in GIDAs (English).
- Guidelines for Local Government Units in the Implementation of the Social Amelioration Program for the Second Tranche
The policy contents and guidelines indicate that all local government units (LGUs) are expected to have completed the distribution of the first tranche and shall ensure the expeditious and orderly implementation of the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) for the second tranche (English).
- Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with amendments as of July 02, 2020
The guidelines aim to harmonize and codify existing policies of the IATF and member agencies about community quarantine, which shall be applied to all regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays placed under community quarantine. This updated version contains amendments as of July 02, 2020 (English).
- Telemedicine Practice Guidelines
The guidelines provide instruction to set up telemedicine practice among healthcare providers aim to provide minimum recommendations that empower and safeguard both patients and healthcare providers while maintaining quality medical care (English).
- Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) over the National Capital Region and the Provinces of Laguna, Cavite, Rizal, and Bulacan until 18 August 2020
The memorandum is according to the declaration of the President that the National Capital Region and the provinces of Laguna, Cavite, Rizal, and Bulacan shall be placed under modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) effective August 04, 2020, until August 18, 2020 (English).
- Operational Capacity to be Adopted by Government Agencies and Instrumentalities during Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ)
The memorandum circular orders all government agencies and instrumentalities of the executive branch located in all geographical areas placed under MECQ to adopt a maximum of 50% operational capacity at any given time. This order is in place unless a higher operational capacity is required in agencies providing health and emergency frontline services, border control, and other critical services (English).
- Guidelines in the Stricter Conduct of Home Quarantine for Mild and Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patients
The guidelines aim to take effect immediately regarding the isolation of positive individuals from their family and community for their transfer to quarantine facilities. This measure is to contain and prevent community transmission of COVID-19 amidst the continuing spike of individuals positive for the virus (English).
- DOLE and DTI Supplemental Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19
The memorandum requires employers to implement all necessary workplace safety and health programs, including those related to COVID-19, at no cost to the employees (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 111
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of August 15, 2020. Moreover, the report directs the public to immediately call the Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) in cases wherein severe symptoms are experienced (English).
- Joint Guidelines on the Proper Use and Promotion of Active Transport During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
The joint guidelines guide the promotion and safe use of active transport during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The said guidelines cover all active and motorized transport users, commuters, pedestrians, and all other road users (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 117
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of August 21, 2020. It notes that a person who is classified as having a mild case of COVID-19 but is considered high risk due to age or the presence of comorbidities must be admitted to a treatment facility. Moreover, severe or critical cases must be admitted to a treatment facility, regardless of inclusion in high-risk sub-groups or presence of comorbidities (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 125
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of August 29, 2020. It advises everyone in the office or workplace to wear face masks and face shields, practice hand hygiene and proper coughing manners, and maintain physical distancing measures to protect oneself from COVID-19 (English).
- A Guide to the New Normal
The document seeks to guide the general public in adjusting to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides information on the minimum public health standards set by the Department of Health (DOH) for COVID-19 mitigation (English).
- Refocusing the Disiplina Muna National Advocacy Campaign Towards Defeating the COVID-19 Pandemic
The guidelines aim to promote discipline as part of people’s habits and lifestyles to prevent contracting or spreading COVID-19. The refocusing of the Disiplina Muna National Advocacy Campaign highlights discipline as the new normal for the safety of families and communities (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 131
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of September 4, 2020. It includes infographics on how to safely ride a bike as a means of transportation (English).
- Guidance in Anticipation of Possible Increase in Cases of Infectious Diseases During Rainy Season Amidst COVID-19
The guidance memorandum aims to ensure that all health-related facilities have available technical guidelines, tools, medicines, supplies, and equipment needed to manage infectious diseases like influenza, dengue, leptospirosis, and water-borne diseases during the rainy season (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 139
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of September 12, 2020. It highlights the importance of mental health advising those who need professional help at the National Center for Mental Health (English).
- Extending the Period of a State of Calamity Throughout the Philippines due to COVID-19
The proclamation extends the period of a State of Calamity throughout the nation due to COVID-19 until September 12, 2021. The one-year extension allows the national and local governments to use their Quick Response Funds and control the prices of basic goods (English).
- Directing All Concerned Government Agencies to Coordinate and Pool Their Resources and Efforts into the Production and Distribution of Face Masks
The directive orders the production of face masks and their expedited distribution to the public free of charge (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 147
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of September 20, 2020. It includes contact details that may be used by the general public to gather further information (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 154
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of September 27, 2020. It includes a breakdown of active cases totaling 46,372 into asymptomatic, mild, severe, and critical (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 167
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of October 11, 2020. In light of the National Mental Health Week celebration (October 11 to 17, 2020), encourages people to take care of their mental and physical wellbeing by engaging in healthy, enjoyable, and relaxing activities (English).
- Report on the Implementation of Republic Act No. 11494 or the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act
The report contains information on the developments relative to the whole-of-government response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights updates on the programs and activities of 50 departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Executive branch (English).
- Omnibus Interim Guidelines on Prevention, Detection, Isolation, Treatment, and Reintegration Strategies for COVID-19
The guidelines indicate that the implementation of the prevention, detection, isolation, treatment, and reintegration strategies shall be the cornerstone of response to prevent further the transmission of COVID-19. It shall be a shared responsibility of the national government, local government units, the private sector, and the general public (English).
- Special Guidelines on the Implementation of the Provision of Republic Act No. 11494 or the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act Concerning DSWD
The special guidelines highlight that the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) shall continue to implement programs and services identified under the Act as interventions to aid in the recovery of affected families and households (English).
- Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with amendments as of October 18, 2020
The guidelines aim to harmonize and codify existing policies of the IATF and member agencies about community quarantine, which shall be applied to all regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays placed under community quarantine. This updated version contains amendments as of October 18, 2020 (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 174
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of October 18, 2020. It contains infographics on ways to remain safe and healthy amidst the COVID-19 pandemic (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 182
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of October 25, 2020. The total number of active cases is 35,015. It stresses that severe or critical cases must be admitted to a treatment facility (English).
- Guidelines on LGU Budgeting, Procurement, and Fund Utilization for COVID-19 Response and Recovery Interventions according to “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act”
The guidelines aim to ensure consistency of budgetary activities and financial transactions of local government units (LGUs) with the provisions of Republic Act No. 11494 otherwise known as the “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act”. It highlights that PHP 1.5 billion was appropriated to the Local Government Support Fund (LGSF) to provide financial assistance to LGUs in their local anti-COVID efforts (English).
- Guidelines on the Management of COVID-19 Related Health Care Wastes
The guidelines seek to provide local government units (LGUs) with comprehensive information on their roles, duties, and responsibilities on the proper handling and management of all COVID-19 related health care wastes within their jurisdictions (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 189
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of November 1, 2020. The total number of active cases is 27,115. It contains infographics on how to stay safe in evacuation centers (English).
- Implementing Guidelines on the Grant of COVID-19 Compensation to Public and Private Health Workers under Republic Act No. 11494 otherwise known as the “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act”
The guidelines shall apply to all public and private health workers assigned in health facilities who contracted mild/moderate or severe/critical COVID-19 infection and died while in the line of duty, retroactive February 1, 2020, until the State of Public Emergency is lifted (English).
- Guidelines on the Payment of Thirteenth Month Pay
The guidelines state that rank-and-file employees in the private sector shall be entitled to the thirteenth (13th) month pay, regardless of their position, designation, or employment status. No request or application for exemption from payment of the 13th-month pay, or for the deferment of the payment shall be allowed (English).
- Easing of Control Measures in Malls and Commercial Centers upon Strict Implementation of the Seven Commandments
Subject to the minimum public health and safety standards and protocols, malls and commercial centers are now allowed to turn on free WiFi for customers and to conduct mall-wide sales promotions and marketing events (English).
- Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with Amendments as of October 22, 2020
The guidelines aim to harmonize and codify existing policies of the IATF and member agencies about community quarantine, which shall be applied to all regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays placed under community quarantine. This updated version contains amendments as of October 22, 2020 (English).
- Guidelines on Proper Use and Promotion of Active Transport During and After COVID-19 Pandemic
The order aims to guide the promotion and safe use of active transport during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Active transport refers to any physical activity undertaken as a means of transport, including walking and biking (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 201
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of November 13, 2020. The total number of active cases is 34,058. It includes information on ways to ensure that water is safe to drink (English).
- Implementation of Safety Measures in the Operation of Talipapas or Satellite Markets during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Safety measures must be implemented to ensure stringent food safety and hygiene standards in the operations of talipapas or satellite markets during the COVID-19 pandemic. Talipapas are among the identified crowded places that the public visit daily (English).
- Supplemental Guidance on the Use of Rapid Antigen Test Kits
The guidance highlights that rapid antigen tests shall be allowed for diagnostic testing of close contacts in communities and closed or semi-closed institutions with confirmed outbreaks and in remote settings where RT-PCR is not immediately available (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 208
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of November 20, 2020. The total number of active cases is 31,805. It contains tips on how to avoid contracting COVID-19 (English).
- Guidelines on the Implementation of COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP) under the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act
The guidelines specify the COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP) objectives and coverage, program assistance, and corresponding requirements. Among the eligible beneficiaries are retrenched and temporary laid-off workers as well as displaced workers in the education and tourism sectors (English).
- Guidelines on the Implementation of Tulong Panghanapbuhay para sa Ating Disadvantaged / Displaced Workers (TUPAD) under the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act
The guidelines aim to ensure the effective and streamlined implementation of the Tulong Panghanapbuhay para sa Ating Disadvantaged / Displaced Workers (TUPAD). The program shall cover the workers in the informal sector particularly the self-employed with elementary occupations and unpaid family workers (English).
- Implementing Guidelines on Providing Financial Assistance and Cash-for-Work- Program for Displaced Workers in Tourism Sector
The guidelines provide information on the grant of financial assistance to displaced employees from primary and secondary tourism enterprises accredited by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), primary enterprises licensed by local government units (LGUs), and members of registered community-based tourism organizations (CBTOs). Displaced tourism workers are entitled to avail of the financial assistance or cash for work program (English).
- Directing the Department of Health, in coordination with the Department of Trade and Industry, to Ensure Accessibility and Affordability of COVID-19 Tests and Test Kits
The order directs the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to ensure that the price range for COVID-19 testing and test kits is just, equitable, and sensitive to all stakeholders (English).
- Authorizing the Grant of Active Hazard Duty Pay to Human Resources for Health Servicing in the Frontlines during the State of National Emergency
The order authorizes national government agencies, government-owned or -controlled corporations, and local government units to grant Active Hazard Duty Pay (AHDP) to frontline Human Resources for Health (HRH). It can be up to PHP 3,000 per month (English).
- Authorizing the Grant of COVID-19 Special Risk Allowance to Private and Public Health Workers Directly Catering to or in Contact with COVID-19 Patients during the State of National Emergency
The order authorizes national government agencies, government-owned or -controlled corporations, and local government units to grant COVID-19 Special Risk Allowance (SRA) to public and private health workers who directly cater or are in contact with COVID-19 patients. It can be up to PHP 5,000 per month (English).
- Price Range for COVID-19 Reverse transcription-polymerase Reaction (RT-PCR) Testing
The circular indicates that the price range for Reverse transcription-polymerase Reaction (RT-PCR) testing is set between PHP 4,500 to PHP 5,000 for private laboratories following a subject to a monthly review and starting November 30, 2020. The price is set at PHP 3,800 for public laboratories. The price range is already inclusive of all costs associated with COVID-19 testing, including a faster turnaround time and other premium services (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 217
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of November 29, 2020. The total number of active cases is 22,867. It contains recommendations on how to safely use public transportation (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 223
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of December 5, 2020. The total number of active cases is 29,961. It enjoins everyone to stay both physically and mentally healthy. It also provides tips on how to remain safe and healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic (English).
- Implementation of the Interim Guidelines for Facilitated Deployment and Provisions for Repatriation of Filipino Seafarers during the National State of Emergency brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines
The circular aims to ensure the facilitated deployment and repatriation of Filipino seafarers during the national state of emergency brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines. It is in line with the Interim Guidelines that effectively amend and suspend existing policy and shall be applied until March 15, 2022 (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 228
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of December 11, 2020. The total number of active cases is 29,001. It provides tips to stay safe while shopping (English).
- Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with Amendments as of December 14, 2020
The guidelines aim to harmonize and codify existing policies of the IATF and member agencies about community quarantine, which shall be applied in all regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays placed under community quarantine. This updated version contains amendments as of December 14, 2020 (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 238
The report provides details of the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of December 20, 2020. The total number of active cases is 21,708. It provides information on how to celebrate Christmas in a safe manner (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 245
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of December 27, 2020. The total number of active cases is 22,099. It reinforces key messages on the safe use of public transportation (English).
- Additional Measures to be Observed Relative to the SRS-COV-2 Variant Detected in the United Kingdom (dated December 29, 2020)
The memorandum indicates the extension of the temporary suspension of flights from or transiting through the United Kingdom until January 15, 2021. It also includes the prohibition of entry by all foreign travelers coming from or transiting through 19 other countries (English).
- Additional Measures to be Observed Relative to the SARS-COV-2 Variant Detected in the United Kingdom (dated December 31, 2020)
The memorandum indicates the extension of the temporary suspension of flights from or transiting through the United Kingdom and 19 other countries until January 15, 2021. It also includes the United States of America among the countries subject to travel restrictions (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 252
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of January 3, 2021. The total number of active cases is 20,292. It includes information on the requirements for appropriate face masks to be used to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (English).
- Additional Measures to be Observed Relative to the SARS-COV-2 Variant Detected in the United Kingdom (dated January 5, 2021)
The memorandum indicates the extension of the temporary suspension of flights from or transiting through the United Kingdom and 20 other countries until January 15, 2021. It now includes six additional countries subject to travel restrictions (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 259
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of January 10, 2021. The total number of active cases is 20,087. It includes guidance on the proper way of using face shields (English).
- Department of Health’s Strategic Plan for COVID-19 Vaccination (2021-2023) and National Strategic Policy Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment and Immunization
The DOH’s Strategic Plan for COVID-19 Vaccine 2021-2023 outlines the overall thrust and direction to serve as guideposts for operational and financial planning towards vaccine availability for all. Meanwhile, the National Strategic Policy Framework for COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment and Immunization provides strategic policy guidance and direction on the selection, access, and deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine and the COVID-19 immunization program (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 265
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of January 16, 2021. The total number of active cases is 28,674. It offers advice on how to remain safe and healthy amidst the COVID-19 pandemic (English).
- Report on the Republic Act No.11469or the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act
The report is the thirteenth weekly update on the programs and activities undertaken by the Executive branch of the government as regards the Republic Act No.11469 or the “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act” (English).
- Report on the Implementation of Republic ActNo. 11494 or the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act
The report contains updates on the programs and activities undertaken by the Executive branch of the government as regards the Republic Act No. 11494 or the “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act” (English).
- Interim Protocol/Guidelines on the Recruitment, Deployment, and Employment of Land-based Overseas Filipino Workers
The protocol/guidelines shall cover all land-based Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) including workers already deployed overseas as well as Licensed/Philippine Recruitment Agencies (L/PRAs) and Principal/Direct Employers recruiting, deploying, and employing land-based OFWs (English).
- additional measures to be Observed Relative to the SARS-COV-2 Variants
The memorandum includes the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Hungary among the countries/jurisdictions subject to travel restrictions up to 31 January 2021 (English).
- Interim Preparatory Guidelines in the Implementation of the National Vaccination Program
The guidelines provide information on the conduct of preparatory activities to be done by local government units (LGUs) for the implementation of the National Vaccination Program (English).
- Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 272
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of January 23, 2021. The total number of active cases is 33,603. For the safety and community, it reminds everyone to wear face masks at all times, maintain physical distancing, and practice hand hygiene and proper cough manners (English).
- Interim Guidelines on the Management of Health Care Wastes Generated from COVID-19 Vaccination
The guidelines aim to guide the proper management of healthcare wastes generated from the COVID-19 vaccination activities in all healthcare facilities, centers for health development (CHDs), and local government units (LGUs) involved in the COVID-19 vaccination (English).
- Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with Amendments as of January 21, 2021
The guidelines aim to harmonize and codify existing policies of the IATF and member agencies about community quarantine, which shall be applied to all regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays placed under community quarantine. This updated version contains amendments as of January 21, 2021 (English).
- Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 279
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of January 30, 2021. The total number of active cases is 36,943. As the deployment of COVID-19 vaccines will start, everyone is encouraged to only be allowed for vaccination of Food and Drug Administration approved vaccines (English).
- Clarification on the Issuance of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
The circular reiterates that the issuance of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is not equivalent to a marketing authorization or a Certificate of Product Registration. Hence, the COVID-19 vaccines are not to be treated as commercial products even if issued with a EUA (English).
- Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 286
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of February 7, 2021. The total number of active cases is 35,946. It encourages everyone to wear face shields properly to lessen the risk of getting COVID-19. The protective shield must fully cover the face, must not blur the vision of the wearer, and must be easy to disinfect (English).
- Community Quarantine Classification of Provinces, Highly Urbanized Cities and Independent Component Cities from 01 to 28 February 2021
The memorandum highlights that from 01 to 28 February 2021, the whole of the National Capital Region shall remain under General Community Quarantine (GCQ). All areas shall continue to implement health promotion and strict enforcement of minimum public health standards (English).
- Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with Amendments as of February 11, 2021
The guidelines aim to harmonize and codify existing policies of the IATF and member agencies about community quarantine, which shall be applied to all regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays placed under community quarantine. This updated version contains amendments as of 11 February 2021 (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 293
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of February 7, 2021. The total number of active cases is 34,967. It reminds the public not to be reliant on vaccines as the minimum public health standards are still the most effective way to stop the spread of COVID-19 (English).
- Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with amendments as of May 20, 2021
The guidelines aim to harmonize and codify existing policies of the IATF and member agencies about community quarantine, which shall be applied to all regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays placed under community quarantine. This updated version contains amendments as of May 20, 2021 (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 398
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of May 29, 2021. The total number of active cases is 53,614. Everyone is enjoined to stay healthy both physically and mentally. The Department of Health (DOH) advises the public to exercise daily, drink lots of water to avoid dehydration, and get an average of seven to eight hours of sleep (English).
- Nationwide Enforcement of Testing and Quarantine Protocols for Inbound TravelsThe Office of the President directs all relevant agencies to enforce the current testing and quarantine protocols approved and issued by the Interagency Task Force (IATF) applicable to inbound international travelers in all ports of entry, regardless of any specific protocols that may be issued by local government units (LGUs) to the contrary (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 405 The report provides details on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of June 5, 2021. The total number of active cases is 59,543. It indicates that intensive care unit (ICU) beds are 57.9% occupied, while isolation and ward beds are less than 50% occupied (English).
- Nationwide Enforcement of Testing and Quarantine Protocols for Inbound Travels
The guideline directs all relevant agencies to enforce the current testing and quarantine protocols approved and issued by the IATF applicable to inbound international travelers in all ports of entry, regardless of any specific protocols that may be issued by local government units (LGUs) to the contrary (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 412
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of June 12, 2021. The total number of active cases is 60,341. It reminds the public that if any person experiences any symptoms, they should follow the set guidelines on isolation and contact the barangay health emergency response team (BHERT) assigned to their community for proper assistance (English).
- Procedures on the Procurement and Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines for Private Entities
The joint memorandum circular covers all the procurement and logistics management by private entities of COVID-19 vaccines with valid Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It specifies that vaccination of employees shall be entirely free of charge (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 419
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of June 19, 2021. The total number of active cases is 59,439. It reminds the public not to be reliant on vaccines as the health protocols are still the most effective way to stop the spread of COVID-19 (English).
- Promotion of COVID-19 Vaccination in the Private Sector
The advisory instructs private sector employers to continue urging their employees to avail of their own vaccination program, if any, or that of their respective local government units (English).
- Guidelines to Fast-Track COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout in Local Government Units
The memorandum circular provides guidelines to fast-track the vaccination process in the local government units and to increase vaccine confidence of the people (English).
- Temporary Suspension of Deployment of New Hire Nurses, Nursing Aides, and Nurse Assistants
The advisory announces that the annual deployment ceiling of 5,000 new hires for healthcare workers has already been reached. Hence, the processing and issuance of overseas employment certificates and the deployment of new hires for healthcare workers are suspended immediately (English).
- Increase in the Deployment Ceiling of Newly-Hired MCS-Healthcare Workers (HCWs)
The advisory announces that the annual deployment ceiling of new hires for healthcare workers (HWCs) for occupations identified by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) as Mission Critical Skills (MCS) shall be increased to 6,500 (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 426
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of June 26, 2021. The total number of active cases is 53,447. To avoid the rise of COVID-19 cases and transmissions in the country, the DOH reiterates the importance of staying at home and following other protocols to ensure that no transmission will take place (English).
- Adopting the National Employment Recovery Strategy (NERS) 2021-2022 and Reinforcing Job-Generating Programs through the NERS Task Force
The executive order provides for the adoption of the National Employment Recovery Strategy (NERS) 2021-2022, taking into consideration the changes in the labor market caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, it provides for the creation of a NERS Task Force in response to the adoption of new technologies to the labor market (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 433
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of July 04, 2021. The total number of active cases is 53,665. It reminds everyone to wear a face mask inside the house if there are vulnerable individuals living with them (ie. senior citizens, etc.) and to ensure proper air ventilation at home (English).
- Adoption of Other Debt Relief Measures
In consideration of the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the finances of Filipinos, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) strongly encourages financing companies (FCs), lending companies (LCs), and microfinance NGOs (MF-NGOs) to adopt measures that will help ease their borrowers’ financial burden. Such measures may include: lowering of interest rates; waiver or reduction of penalties, charges, and other fees; payment holiday; debt consolidation; extending the term of the loans; and provision of flexible payment schedules (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 440
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of July 10, 2021. The total number of active cases is 49,968. It reminds the public that in case they experience any symptoms, they should contact the barangay health emergency response teams (BHERTs) assigned to their community for proper assistance and follow the set guidelines of isolation (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 447
The report provides details on total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of July 17, 2021. The total number of active cases is 47,257. The DOH encourages healthcare workers, senior citizens, and people with comorbidities to be vaccinated (English).
- Vaccine Rollout Update as of 18 July 2021
The poster provides an update on the vaccination rollout in the Philippines as of July 18, 2021. A total of 15,096,261 doses have already been administered. 10,388,188 have received their first doses while 4,708,073 have already completed the two doses that are required.
- Memorandum from the Executive Secretary On Imposition of Travel Restrictions on Travelers from Indonesia
The memorandum indicates that all passengers coming from or who have been to Indonesia within 14 days immediately preceding arrival in the Philippines shall be prohibited from entering the country effective 12 01H of 16 July 2021 Manila time until 23 59H of 31 July 2021 (English).
- Memorandum from the Executive Secretary On Imposition of Travel Restrictions on Travelers from Malaysia and Thailand
The memorandum indicates that all passengers coming from or who have been to Malaysia and Thailand within fourteen days immediately preceding arrival in the Philippines shall be prohibited from entering the country effective 00 01 H of 25 July 2021 Manila time until 23 59H of 31 July 2021 (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 454
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 24 July 2021. The total number of active cases is 54,401. From 18 July to 24 July 2021, a total of 37,569 specimens tested positive, which brings this week’s positivity rate to 12.3%. Of these, 3,945 (11%) came from labs in Region 6, and 10,415 (28%) came from labs in the National Capital Region (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 461
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 01 August 2021. It provides tips on how to remain safe and healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic by practicing health protocols (English).
- Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with Amendments as of 6 August 2021
The guidelines aim to harmonize and codify existing policies of the IATF and member agencies pertaining to community quarantine, which shall be applied to all regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays placed under community quarantine. This updated version contains amendments as of 6 August 2021 (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 468
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 7 August 2021. The total number of active cases is 76,063. It encourages healthcare workers, senior citizens, and people with comorbidities to be vaccinated. Moreover, it reminds the public not to be reliant on vaccines as the health protocols are still the most effective way to stop the spread of COVID-19 (English).
- COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics – Issue No. 30
The poster provides an update on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the Philippines as of 8 August 2021. A total of 24,479,750 doses have already been administered. 13,087,781 have received their first doses while 11,391,969 have already completed the dose cycle of the COVID-19 vaccines (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 475
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 14 August 2021. The total number of active cases is 98,847. It notes that a person who is classified as having a mild case of COVID-19 but is considered high-risk due to age or the presence of comorbidities must be admitted to a treatment facility. Moreover, severe or critical cases must be admitted to a treatment facility regardless of inclusion in high-risk subgroups or presence of comorbidities (English).
- Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with Amendments as of August 19, 2021
The guidelines aim to harmonize and codify existing policies of the IATF and member agencies pertaining to community quarantine, which shall be applied to all regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays placed under community quarantine. This updated version contains amendments as of 19 August 2021 (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 482
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 22 August 2021. The total number of active cases is 123,935. It reminds everyone to follow simple practices that would reduce exposure to COVID-19 like wearing face masks and face shields at all times, maintaining physical distancing, practicing proper hand hygiene, and avoiding poorly ventilated or crowded areas, especially in workplaces and public areas (English).
- Guidance on the COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout of Private Entities
The vaccination of employees of the private entities shall be entirely free of charge, including the cost of the vaccine and administration fee. This is regardless if the vaccines will be administered by a contracted health service provider by the private sector or by any government facility such as the vaccination sites of local government units where the workplace of the private sector is located (English).
- Guidelines on the Conduct of Vaccination Activities in Areas under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ)
In the light of the imposition of ECQ and with evidence of local transmission of the highly contagious COVID-19 delta variant, the guidelines and policies of the DOH on scheduling and pre-registration shall remain in effect. However, strict implementation and compliance with such guidelines shall be observed (English).
- DOH Advisory Against the Administration of Additional (Booster) Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines
Vaccine recipients shall only receive the recommended dose series from one (1) COVID-19 vaccine brand. Administration of additional doses (booster) on top of the recommended dose series of a COVID-19 vaccine is not allowed, pending the availability of sufficient and conclusive studies (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 489
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 29 August 2021. The total number of active cases is 142,679. Everyone is enjoined to stay healthy both physically and mentally by eating a well-balanced diet, drinking lots of water, exercising daily, getting an average of seven to eight hours of sleep as recommended, and avoiding smoking (English).
- Advisory on the Co-Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines with Non-COVID-19 Vaccines
The DOH recommends retaining the current policy on the 14-day interval between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 vaccines, in consideration of difficulty in conducting causality assessments when adverse events occur. However, in life-threatening or critical situations, a vaccine recipient may receive a non-COVID-19 vaccine dose less than 14 days after a COVID-19 vaccine dose provided it is a shared decision between the patient and attending health care professional (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 496
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 5 September 2021. The total number of active cases is 157,646. To remain safe and healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the government reminds the public to regularly wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 503
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 11 September 2021. The total number of active cases is 185,706. It notes that a person who is classified as having a mild case of COVID-19 but is considered high-risk due to age or the presence of comorbidities must be admitted to a treatment facility. Meanwhile, severe or critical cases must be admitted to a treatment facility, regardless of inclusion in high-risk subgroups or presence of comorbidities (English).
- Further Extending the Period of a State of Calamity throughout the Philippines due to COVID-19 Declared under Proclamation No. 1021, series of 2020
The government has further extended the period of the declared State of Calamity throughout the whole country for a period of one more year. This is effective from 13 September 2021 to 12 September 2022 (English).
- Price Cap for COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing
The circular issues price caps for public and private health facilities for COVID-19 Reverse Transcription Polymerase Reaction (RT-PCR) Testing. The range is between PHP 2,450 to PHP 3,360. For home service, the price cap is set at PHP 1,000 (English).
- Price Cap for COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing
The circular reiterates an earlier issuance by the DOH setting the price cap for COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing at PHP 960. It notes that while laboratories and health facilities may have prices lower than the price cap, the quality of services should be maintained (English).
- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 510
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 18 September 2021. The total number of active cases is 184,088. It notes that from 12 to 18 September 2021, a total of 131,658 specimens tested positive, bringing the week’s positivity rate to 26.5% (English).
- Guidelines on the Pilot Implementation of Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response in the National Capital Region
The guidelines provide information on the COVID-19 Alert Levels System that will be implemented as the new Community Quarantine Classifications for dealing with COVID-19 covering entire cities and/or municipalities. It enjoins and proactively advocates the principles of 3C’s (Closed, Crowded, and Close Contact) strategy against COVID-19 to curb the further spread of infection which shall be applied in the National Capital Region (NCR) beginning 16 September 2021 (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 517
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 25 September 2021. The total number of active cases is 165,092. It notes that from 19 to 25 September 2021, a total of 115,353 specimens tested positive, bringing the week’s positivity rate to 23.6% (English). - Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Limited Face-to-Face Learning Modality
The policy provides guidance on the mechanisms and standards on the resumption of face-to-face classes. For the pilot implementation, only learners from the Key Stage K-to-3 and selected secondary learners from Senior High School (SHS) in minimal-risk areas shall participate (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 524
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 02 October 2021. The total number of active cases is 144,061. It notes that from 26 September to 02 October 2021, a total of 93,617 specimens tested positive, which brings the week’s positivity rate to 21.4% (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 530
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 9 October 2021. The total number of active cases is 106,558. It notes that from 3 to 9 October 2021, a total of 64,656 specimens tested positive, which brings the week’s positivity rate to 17.1% (English). - Guidelines on the Implementation of Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response in Pilot Areas As of October 13, 2021
The guidelines seek to encourage and proactively advocate the principles of 3C’s (Closed, Crowded, and Close Contact) strategy against COVID-19 to curb the further spread of infection. For the duration of the pilot implementation, classification of the pilot areas shall be done weekly, unless otherwise specified (English). - Interim Operational Guidelines on the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Pediatric Population Ages 12-17 Years Old with Comorbidities
The guidelines shall cover the vaccination of the pediatric population aged 12-17 years old with comorbidities only. Only vaccines with Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for 12 years and above shall be allocated to identified implementing units and vaccination sites (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 538
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 16 October 2021, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 85,048. It notes that from 10 to 16 October 2021, a total of 47,995 specimens tested positive, which brings the past week’s positivity rate to 13.5% (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 545
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 23 October 2021, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 63,051. It notes that from 17 to 23 October 2021, a total of 38,172 specimens tested positive, bringing the week’s positivity rate to 10.8% (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 552
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 30 October 2021, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 43,690. It notes that from 24 to 30 October 2021, a total of 25,652 specimens tested positive, bringing the week’s positivity rate to 8.02% (English). - Guidelines on the Implementation of Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response in Pilot Areas As of November 4, 2021
The guidelines seek to enjoin and proactively advocate the principles of 3C’s (Closed, Crowded, and Close Contact) strategy against COVID-19 to curb the further spread of infection. It indicates that lockdowns shall be for a period of not less than fourteen days (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 559
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 06 November 2021, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 34,866. It notes that from 31 October to 06 November 2021, a total of 16,397 specimens tested positive, bringing the week’s positivity rate to 5.85% (English). - Minimum Public Health Standards and Protocols for Cinemas and Recreational Venues Under the Pilot Implementation of Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response
The circular prescribes sector-specific health standards for cinemas and movie houses, non-contact sports courts and venues, amusement parks and theme parks, and recreational venues. It considers the need to gradually reopen the economy while managing the potential risk of exposure, spread, and transmission of COVID-19 (English). - Executive Order Approving the Nationwide Implementation of the Alert Level System for COVID-19 Response
The order prescribes the adoption of the alert level system (ALS) for a nationwide rollout. It seeks to allow for the reinvigoration of the economy through the opening of more sectors while protecting the people’s health (English). - Guidelines on the Implementation of Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response in Pilot Areas As of November 11, 2021
The guidelines seek to enjoin and proactively advocate the principles of 3C’s (Closed, Crowded, and Close Contact) strategy against COVID-19 to curb the further spread of infection. Moreover, the guidelines take into consideration the nationwide rollout of the Alert Level System (ALS) approved on 11 November 2021 (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 566
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 13 November 2021, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 29,382. It notes that from 07 to 13 November 2021, a total of 12,999 specimens tested positive, bringing the weekʼs positivity rate to 4.6% (English). - Interim Guidelines on the Administration and Management of COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Doses to Priority Group A2 (Senior Citizen aged 60 years old and above) and Priority A3 (Adults with Comorbidities)
all receive a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine at least six months after completion of the primary dose series. Booster doses are not yet recommended for the general population (English). - Reiteration of the Interim Operational Guidelines on the Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Dose to Priority Group A1 – Essential Workers in Frontline Health Services (A1.1 to A1.7)
Individuals categorized as Priority Group A1: Essential Workers in Frontline Health Services (A1.1 to A1.7) are eligible to be given a single COVID-19 booster dose, either a homologous or a heterologous dose. The administration of booster doses shall commence on 17 November 2021 (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 573
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 20 November 2021, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 22,070. It notes that from 14 to 20 November 2021, a total of 8,503 specimens tested positive, bringing the weekʼs positivity rate to 3.2% (English). - Guidelines on the Nationwide Implementation of Alert Levels System for Covid-19 Response As of November 18, 2021
The guidelines seek to enjoin and proactively advocate the principles of 3C’s (Closed, Crowded, and Close Contact) strategy against COVID-19 to curb the further spread of infection. This is pursuant to the nationwide rollout of the alert level system (ALS) approved on 11 November 2021 (English). Proclamation Declaring 29 November to 01 December 2021 as “Bayanihan, Bakunahan” National COVID-19 Vaccination Days
All healthcare workers are called upon to extend their full support and cooperation in providing COVID-19 vaccination during the three-day campaign. Employees and workers of the government and the private sector who will be vaccinated during the National COVID-19 Vaccination Days shall not be considered absent from their work (English).- COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 580
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 27 November 2021, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 17,052. It notes that from 21 to 27 November 2021, a total of 5,826 specimens tested positive, bringing the weekʼs positivity rate to 2.4% (English). - Protocols on the Use of Face Shields
lockdowns. For areas under Alert Level 4, local government units (LGUs) and private establishments are given the discretion to mandate the use of face shields. The use of face shields shall be voluntary in areas under Alert Levels 3, 2, and 1, (English). - Amendment to Interim Guidelines on the Administration and Management of COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Doses to Priority Group A2 (Senior Citizen aged 60 years old and above) and Priority A3 (Adults with Comorbidities)
The list of eligible groups has been amended to expand the implementation of additional doses to all fully vaccinated adults aged 18 years and above. All vaccination sites are reminded to prioritize the allocation and provision of doses for completion of primary series, and then those most at-risk populations for severe disease and deaths for booster / additional doses (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 587
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 4 December 2021, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 14,338. It notes that from 28 November to 4 December 2021, a total of 4,158 specimens tested positive, bringing the weekʼs positivity rate to 1.8% (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 594
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 11 December 2021, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 11,373. It notes that from 5 to 11 December 2021, a total of 3,050 specimens tested positive, bringing the weekʼs positivity rate to 1.3% (English). - Workplace Handbook on COVID-19 Management and Prevention (version 2 as of October 2021)
The handbook seeks to provide proper guidance and appropriate information to all Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Committees and other key stakeholders to empower them by ensuring that Filipino employees and workers everywhere in the country know how to protect themselves, their colleagues, and families from the threat of COVID-19. - Guidelines on the Nationwide Implementation of Alert Levels System for Covid-19 Response As of December 14, 2021
The guidelines seek to enjoin and proactively advocate the principles of 3C’s (Closed, Crowded, and Close Contact) strategy against COVID-19 to curb the further spread of infection. It makes use of the COVID-19 Alert Level System (ALS), which refers to the new Community Quarantine Classifications for dealing with COVID-19 covering entire cities, municipalities, and/or regions (English). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 615
recoveries. The total number of active cases is 17,374. It notes that from 26 December to 1 January 2022, a total of 20,305 specimens tested positive, bringing the weekʼs positivity rate to 11.1% (English). - COVID-19 Home Isolation Benefit Package (CHIBP) – A Guide for Healthcare Providers
The COVID-19 Home Isolation Benefit Package (CHIBP) seeks to encourage healthcare providers to extend monitoring and clinical support to patients recommended for home isolation, especially in surge areas where there may be limited availability of beds in isolation facilities (English). - Advisory on COVID-19 Protocols for Quarantine and Isolation
The country faces another threat due to the continuous increase in COVID-19 cases and the new Omicron variant. This advisory reiterates that proper protocols for quarantine and isolation are needed to avoid overwhelming numbers of patients in hospitals and healthcare facilities (English). - COVID-19 Home Care Guide for Children
The guide provides useful information on what parents and caregivers should do for effective home care of children with COVID-19 (Filipino). - Guidelines for COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification of Healthcare Workers
The order provides guidance in classifying healthcare workers according to their COVID-19 risk exposure. It shall be used for the rational allocation of limited government resources such as, but not limited to, testing personal protective equipment, and healthcare worker benefits (English). - Updated Guidelines on Quarantine, Isolation, and Testing for COVID-19 Response and Case Management for the Omicron Variant
The updated version reflects the current state of information to achieve a favorable risk-benefit ratio. It provides updated protocols for isolation, quarantine, and testing for COVID-19 across all age groups (English). - COVID-19 Home Care Pocket Guide
The guide provides useful information on how to avoid contracting COVID-19 and on what to do for home quarantine and isolation. It also encourages support for the Trace-Test-Isolate strategy in preventing the spread of COVID-19 (Filipino). - PDITR COVID-19 Guide
The Prevent, Detect, Isolate, Treat, and Reintegrate (PDITR) strategy is central to the National Action Plan towards the “new normal”. The COVID-19 Guide encourages the public to use masks, wash hands, limit physical interaction, and ensure good airflow in closed areas (Filipino). - COVID-19 Philippine Situationer – Issue No. 622
The report details the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 8 January 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 102,017. It notes that from 2 to 8 January 2022, a total of 176,835 specimens tested positive, bringing the weekʼs positivity rate to 40.2% (English). - Guidelines on the Grant of One COVID-19 Allowance (OCA) to Public and Private Health Care Workers (HCWs) and Non-HCWs in Health Facilities Involved in COVID-19 Response
The guidelines state the conditions on the grant of One COVID-19 Allowance (OCA) that shall be based on the classification of high, moderate, or low risk of those eligible to receive it. The computation of the actual OCA shall be based on the number of hours physically reporting for work during the month (English). - Reiteration of the PhilHealth Benefit Packages for Inpatient Management of Confirmed Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Clarification of Coverage of Probable Cases
The PhilHealth Circular aims to establish guidelines for the implementation of the benefit packages for the inpatient case management of COVID-19. This is aligned with the current guidelines on the diagnosis and severity classification of COVID-19 cases (English). - Required On-Site Workforce in Government Agencies and Instrumentalities under the Alert Level System
The circular orders the government to remain in full operations, regardless of the alert level. Under Alert Level 1, all government agencies and instrumentalities shall adhere to a 100% on-site workforce (English). - Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of the National Deployment and Vaccination Plan (NDVP) for COVID-19 Vaccines
The order aims to provide a consolidated reference of policy directions for the implementation of the National COVID-19 Deployment and Vaccination Program (English). - Guidelines on Healthy Settings Framework in Learning Institutions
The order provides a framework for the establishment and/or strengthening of healthy learning institutions across life stages in the Philippines in support of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Law. Its guiding principles include community participation, partnership, empowerment, and equity (English). - Interim Operational Guidelines on the Use of Physician’s Clinics in the Provision of COVID-19 Vaccination Services
The guideline indicates COVID-19 vaccination in physician’s clinics shall be incorporated with regular consultation services provided by the physicians and shall be part of the vaccination rollout strategies of the National Government (English). - National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 04 April 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 03 March 2022. ICU bed utilization is at 16.7%. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 73.47% (English). - Guidelines on Provision of Free COVID-19 Testing for Newly Hired Jobseekers
The order provides guidelines on the one-time grant of free COVID-19 testing for qualified newly-hired employees who are required to secure a negative RT-PCR result as a part of their pre-employment requirements (English). - Interim Guidelines for Health Facilities in Transition to the Endemic Phase of COVID-19
The interim guidelines seek to set policy directions for health facilities as they transition to the endemic phase of COVID-19. During the endemic phase, all facilities and concerned offices shall be guided by the Alert Level System (English). - Interim Operational Guidelines on the Administration of 2nd COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Doses to Immunocompromised Population (ICPs) ages 18 Years Old and Above
The guideline indicates that individuals 18 years old and above in immunocompromised populations are eligible to be given a second COVID-19 booster dose, either homologous or heterologous. It shall be administered at least three months after the third dose or first booster dose (English). - Updating of Materials and Collaterals on Covid-19 Vaccination Across All Platforms and Vaccination Sites
The COVID-19 Task Group on Demand Generation and Communication seeks to ensure that changes in the information, education, and communication (IEC) materials are communicated locally to raise public awareness and combat misinformation. The updated materials may be found at bit.ly/Resbakuna_2022. Pediatric vaccination materials may be found at bit.ly/ResbakunaKids_2022 while booster-related materials may be accessed at bit.ly/RESBAKUNABoosters (English). - Implementing Guidelines on the Grant of COVID-19 Sickness and Death Compensation to Eligible Public and Private Health Care Workers (HCWs) and Non-HCWs for FY 2022
The circular shall apply to all public and private healthcare workers (HWCs) and non-HWCs assigned in healthcare facilities who contracted mild or moderate, severe or critical COVID-19 infection and/or died while in the line of duty (English). - Guidelines on the Provision of Mandatory Statutory Benefits and Privileges of Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities on Their Purchases through Online (E-Commerce) and Phone Call/SMS
The circular disseminates information to ensure and require persons and business establishments to comply with existing relevant rules and guidelines, particularly on the grant of senior citizens and persons with disability discounts mandated by law on the purchase of covered goods and services using the digital/online platforms, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 29 May 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 29 May 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 2,434 (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 101
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 08 May 2022. A total of 3,687,018 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 68.1% of the target population (5 years and older) were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 102
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 22 May 2022. A total of 3,688,941 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 68.8% of the target population (5 years and older) were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 06 June 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 05 June 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 2,479 (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 12 June 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 12 June 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 2,918 (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 103
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 05 June 2022. A total of 3,691,546 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 69.2% of the target population (5 years and older) were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 19 June 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 19 June 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 4,529 (English). - Supplemental Guidlines to DOH-DBM JAO No. 2022-0001 (Processing of COVID-19 Sickness and Death Compensation Claims for Eligible Public and Private Healthcare Workers-
The supplemental guidelines provide information on the updated documentary requirements and designated processing units for the payment of COVID-19 sickness and death compensation claims by all eligible public and private healthcare workers. The period covered is from 01 February 2020 to 31 December 2021 (English). - Interim Operational Guidelines on the Administration of Additional Doses of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to Immunocompromised Pediatric A3 ages 12 to 17 Years Old
The memorandum provides interim operational guidelines on the administration of an additional dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to immunocompromised pediatric population (A3) ages 12 to 17 years old. It shall be given at least 28 days after the administration of the second dose of the primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 27 June 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 27 June 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 7,087 (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 104
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 22 June 2022. A total of 3,696,264 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 69.7% of the target population (5 years and older) were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 27 June 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 03 July 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 9,703 (English). - Clarification and Updates on the Grant of COVID-19 Health Care Worker Benefits
The circular seeks to clarify the grant of COVID-19 benefits to eligible healthcare workers. Such benefits include: (a) COVID-19 Special Risk Allowance (SRA); (b) Meals, Accommodation, and Transportation (MAT) Benefits; (c) One COVID-19 Allowance (OCA); and (d) Health Emergency Allowance (HEA) (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 105
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 03 July 2022. A total of 3,708,271 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 70.5% of the target population (5 years and older) were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 106
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 17 July 2022. A total of 3,733,101 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 71.0% of the target population (5 years and older) were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 01 August 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 01 August 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 34,268 (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 107
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 31 July 2022. A total of 3,776,627 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 64.3% of the target population were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 22 August 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 22 August 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 33,774 (English). - DOH Advisory Against the Administration of Additional (Booster) Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines
The advisory provides a directive against the administration of additional (booster) COVID-19 doses aside from what is recommended under the Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Vaccine recipients shall only receive the recommended dose series from one (1) COVID-19 vaccine brand (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 22 August 2022 Advisory on the Co-Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines with Non-COVID-19 Vaccine
This advisory provides guidance on the co-administration of COVID-19 vaccines with non-COVID-19 vaccines. The Department of Health (DOH) and the All Experts Group recommends to retain the current policy on the 14-day interval between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 vaccines, in consideration of difficulty in conducting causality assessments when adverse events occur (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 108
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 14 August 2022. A total of 3,831,941 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 64.6% of the target population were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 04 September 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 04 September 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 24,067 (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 109
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 28 August 2022. A total of 3,874,641 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 65.0% of the target population were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 20 September 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 20 September 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 27,257 (English). - Voluntary Wearing of Face Masks in Outdoor Settings
This order allows for the voluntary wearing of face masks in open spaces and non-crowded outdoor areas with good ventilation. Not fully-vaccinated individuals, senior citizens, and immunocompromised individuals are highly encouraged to wear their masks. Physical distancing is still to be observed at all times (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 110
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 11 September 2022. A total of 3,906,269 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 65.2% of the target population were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - Amendment to “Guidelines for COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification of Healthcare Workers”
The order provides guidance on the classifications of COVID-19 exposure among healthcare workers. Those entering a COVID-19 patient’s room to directly provide care for patients are at high risk. Those within the health facility providing direct physical care to the general public are at medium risk. Those performing administrative duties in non-public areas of health facilities are at low risk (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 2 October 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 02 October 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 28,872 (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 111
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 25 September 2022. A total of 3,938,203 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 65.4% of the target population were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 16 October 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 16 October 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 26,003 (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 112
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 09 October 2022. A total of 3,967,861 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 65.7% of the target population were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - Updated Guidance on the COVID-19 Vaccine Supply for the Private Sectors
The updated guidance instructs the private sector entities to submit a Letter of Intent to the local government unit indicating the quantity of COVID-19 vaccine doses requested for delivery. Cold chain and handling procedure shall be followed to ensure the safety and efficacy of the vaccines (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 113
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 23 October 2022. A total of 3,994,634 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 65.9% of the target population were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - Allowing Voluntary wearing of Face Masks in Indoor and Outdoor Setting
The Executive Order provides for voluntary wearing of face masks in indoor and outdoor settings, with few exceptions. Mask wearing is still encouraged for the elderly, individuals with comorbidities, immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, unvaccinated individuals, and symptomatic individuals (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 13 November 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 13 November 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 19,176 (English). - Guidance on the Booster Strategy for Vaccine Recipients with Sinopharm as Primary Dose Series
This advisory provides guidance that individuals 18 years old and above, except pregnant and lactating women, given with Sinopharm as primary dose series shall receive a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine as a booster dose, either a homologous or a heterologous dose, at least three (3) months after completion of the primary dose series (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 114
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 07 November 2022. A total of 4,009,466 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 65.9% of the target population were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 in the Philippines Situation Report No. 115
The report summarizes COVID-19 data from the Department of Health as of 21 November 2022. A total of 4,025,917 cases were recorded since the start of the pandemic. 66.1% of the target population were vaccinated with the last dose of primary series (English). - COVID-19 Case Tracker Philippines dated 04 December 2022
The case tracker provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 04 December 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 18,256 (English).
Infographics & Posters
- Department of Health‘s (DOH) Infographics on COVID-19
The webpage is dedicated to information on health advisories, ways to protect yourself from COVID-19, and tips to prevent it from spreading (English & Local Languages).
- KIRA- the Chatbot that Answers COVID-19 Related Questions
The Department of Health launched a chatbot called Kontra COVID or Katuwang na Impormasyon para sa Responsableng Aksyon (KIRA). Learn how you can chat with KIRA to get fast and reliable information about COVID-19 (Filipino).
Infographics: Healthy Pilipinas — Official DOH Updates on COVID-19 in the Philippines
The website features infographics on health care workers, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPEs), and handwashing alternatives (English & Local Languages).
Discharge and Recovery Criteria for COVID-19 Patients
The posters provide the criteria to declare a COVID-19 patient has recovered. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) were cited for information (Filipino).
PHILPREP Infographics on Workplace Health and Safety
Employees and customers are the lifeblood of every business. Here are some simple yet effective ways to help create a safe space for them (English & Local Languages).
- PHILPREP Infographics on Business Continuity
Data shows that enterprises are among the hardest hit by the pandemic. These tips support business owners on how they can protect their businesses from disruptions brought about by disasters (English & Local Languages).
- PHILPREP Infographics on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Front-liners
Frontline workers and first responders put their lives at risk daily to help curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. It takes a toll on their physical health and mental health. Here are some self-care tips to help promote overall wellness (English & Local Languages).
- PHILPREP Infographics on Digital Transformation for MSMEs
Going digital is the future of the business industry. The what, who, and how (WWH) of digital transformation for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) guide for these businesses to go digital (English & Local Languages).
- PHILPREP Infographics on DOBEs
Disability-owned business enterprises (DOBEs) are further struggling in light of the pandemic. There are several ways to support DOBES (English & Local Languages).
- PHILPREP Infographics on Supporting Women in the Workplace
Equal economic opportunities for women and men increase the global GDP by $28 trillion by 2025. Moreover, organizations that embrace gender diversity are 15% more likely to succeed. Here are a few ways to support gender equality in any enterprise (English & Local Languages).
- PHILPREP Infographics on Promoting LGBT-friendly Business
In a study conducted by the Philippine LGBT Chamber of Commerce, only 17% of the 100 companies surveyed had policies in place against discrimination based on the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression (SOGIE) Equality Bill. None of these were Filipino corporations. There are a few measures one can take to make one’s business more inclusive (English & Local Languages).
- BIDA Solusyon Plus (Facebook page)
The DOH established a Facebook page dedicated to addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It contains numerous infographics and posters that seek to guide the public on how to remain safe and healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic (Filipino).
- COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics – Issue No. 29
The poster provides an update on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the Philippines as of 1 August 2021. A total of 20,863,544 doses have already been administered. 11,747,581 have received their first doses while 9,115,963 have already completed the dose cycle of the COVID-19 vaccines (English).
- COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics – Issue No. 31
The poster provides an update on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the Philippines as of 15 August 2021. A total of 27,806,881 doses have already been administered. 15,241,864 have received their first doses while 12,565,017 have already completed the dose cycle of the COVID-19 vaccines (English).
- COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics – Issue No. 32
The poster provides an update on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the Philippines as of 29 August 2021. A total of 33,099,392 doses have already been administered. 19,314,711 have received their first doses while 13,784,681 have already completed the dose cycle of the COVID-19 vaccines (English).
- COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics – Issue No. 33
The poster provides an update on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the Philippines as of 5 September 2021. A total of 35,838,964 doses have already been administered. 20,805,610 have received their first doses while 15,033,354 have already completed the dose cycle of the COVID-19 vaccines (English).
- Guidelines and Protocols for Active Transportation and Light Mobility Vehicles
The posters depict regulations for transportation vehicles. Bicycle lanes are for the sole use of cyclists and users of non-motorized transport (NMT), light mobility vehicles (LMV), and personal mobility devices (PMD). No motor vehicles shall be allowed to either cross or park in bicycle lanes or pedestrian lanes (English). - Biker’s Manual
The manual provides tips on ensuring safety before and during the ride. It emphasizes that bike lanes can only be utilized by bicycles and light mobility vehicles (LMV) or personal mobility devices (PMD) weighing not more than 100 kilograms (English). - COVID-19 Vaccine Recommended Booster Dose Combination and Intervals
The poster provides information on homologous and heterologous booster shots with recommended intervals from the primary vaccination against COVID-19 (English). - COVID-19 Hotline Numbers (updated as of January 3, 2022)
The poster informs the public of COVID-19 hotline numbers in the National Capital Region (NCR) that are operational 24/7 and may be contacted for any COVID-19 concerns and emergencies (English). - Operational Guidelines for the Loaning of COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Between the National Government, Local Government Units, and Private Sector Entities
The guidelines provide necessary information on COVID-19 vaccine doses procured, donated, and/or obtained by the national government, LGUs, and private sector entities, including those obtained through the COVAX Facility. All loan transactions will require confirmation from the DOH and National Task Force (NTF) and other relevant agencies before shipment and acceptance by the recipients (English). - Guidelines on the Use of Self-administered Antigen Testing for COVID-19
The guidelines are issued to reduce the testing gap given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in the country. In any setting, only self-administered antigen test kits approved by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and validated by the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) may be used (English). - Amendment to “Interim Guidelines on the Management and Administration of Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine to Pediatric Population Ages 5-11 Years Old”
The amendment updates the Department Memo No. 2022-0041 dated 24 January 2022, entitled “Interim Guidelines on the Management and Administration of Tozinameran COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (nucleoside-modified) [Comirnaty] Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine to Pediatric Population Ages 5-11 Years Old”. It seeks to avoid misinterpretation during implementation (English). - COVID-19 Case Bulletin No. 708
The poster provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 20 February 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 60,532. It notes that the positivity rate was 8.8% for the previous week (Filipino). - COVID-19 Case Bulletin No. 715
The poster provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 27 February 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 52,961. It notes that the positivity rate for the previous week was 5.0% (Filipino). - National COVID-19 Vaccination Dashboard dated 05 March 2022
The poster provides information on the status of COVID-19 vaccination in the country as of 05 March 2022. The total number of doses administered is 135,929,478. The average count of daily doses for the past week is 170,892 (English). - COVID-19 Case Bulletin No. 722
The poster provides information on the total cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines as of 06 March 2022, including deaths and recoveries. The total number of active cases is 48,793. It notes that the positivity rate for the previous week was 3.9% (Filipino). - National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 21 March 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 21 March 2022. ICU bed utilization is at 17.8%. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 72.41% (English). - National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 28 March 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 27 March 2022. ICU bed utilization is at 15.1%. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 72.93% (English). - National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 11 April 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 10 March 2022. ICU bed utilization is at 16.4%. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 74.05% (English). - National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 18 April 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 17 April 2022. There were 664 severe and critical admissions or 11.5% of total COVID-19 admissions. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 74.28% (English). - National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 25 April 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 24 April 2022. There were 726 severe and critical admissions or 12.8% of the total COVID-19 admissions. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 74.98% (English). National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 02 May 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 01 May 2022. There were 723 severe and critical admissions or 13.4% of the total COVID-19 admissions. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 75.45% (English).- National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 09 May 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 08 May 2022. There were 611 severe and critical admissions or 11.9% of the total COVID-19 admissions. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 76.04% (English). - National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 16 May 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 15 May 2022. There were 588 severe and critical admissions or 10.6% of the total COVID-19 admissions. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 76.29% (English). National COVID-19 Case Bulletin dated 23 May 2022
The poster provides information on healthcare utilization and vaccination accomplishment as of 22 May 2022. There were 718 severe and critical admissions or 12.9% of the total COVID-19 admissions. Vaccination coverage of the target population is at 76.71% (English).
- Laging Handa PH
The organization is the government’s crisis communications center. It has collaborated with the Department of Health (DOH) to produce videos on preventative measures against COVID-19 (English & Local Languages).
- The Department of Health (DOH) Advisories on COVID-19
The department has produced several videos on how to fight COVID-19 which include public service messages (Local Languages).
The National Action Plan against COVID-19
The government has formulated the National Action Plan to arrest the further spread of COVID-19 in communities and learn more about the Detect + Isolate + Treat + Reintegrate (DITR) Strategy (English & Local Languages).Multimedia: Healthy Pilipinas — Official DOH Updates on COVID-19 in the Philippines
The website showcases videos on proper handwashing, social distancing, and protecting mental health (English & Local Languages).Enterprise Resilience against COVID-19 (Negosyong Matibay Laban sa COVID-19)
The video provides tips on how entrepreneurs can protect their businesses against the impacts of COVID-19 and other hazards (Filipino with English subtitles).Family Preparedness for a Pandemic (Pamilyang Laging Handa Laban sa COVID-19)
It is important to prepare the family against various hazards and threats, including COVID-19. The video stresses the importance of thinking ahead on what to do before, during, and after disasters strike (Filipino with English subtitles).Protecting Mental Health against Infodemia (Pangalagaan ang Mental Health Laban sa Fake News)
As fake news abound, the video highlights the need to protect the mental health of family members and employees in this time of a pandemic. It provides information on how to fight infodemia or the proliferation of fake news (Filipino with English subtitles).BIDA Solusyon Plus (Facebook page)
The DOH established a Facebook page dedicated to addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It contains numerous videos that seek to guide the public on how to remain safe and healthy amid the COVID-19 pandemic (Filipino).
* Cover by Unsplash.