Official Website
- National Institute of Health
The institute provides the national context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The site includes information regarding the number of cases, health advisories and facilities, standard operating procedures (SOP), and guidelines (English & Urdu).
National Institute of Health
The institute provides the national context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The site includes information regarding the number of cases, health advisories and facilities, standard operating procedures (SOP), and guidelines (English & Urdu).
Reports & Guidelines
- National Action Plan for Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pakistan
The ministry has issued the action plan as a policy document to ensure that guiding principles for outbreak preparedness, containment, and mitigation are followed (English).
Detailed Quarantine Procedure At Home
The booklet provides detailed instructions on self-quarantine and isolation at home (Urdu).Important Information for People in Self-isolation
The booklet provides necessary information for people affected by COVID-19 and living in self-isolation (Urdu).Guiding Principles for Philanthropists, Organizations, and Departments
The booklet provides the guidelines, explains the protocols to be considered and precautionary measures to be taken while distributing relief items as an individual philanthropist, organization, or department (Urdu).Pakistan National Education Response and Resilience Plan (K-12) for COVID-19
The ministry has issued a plan which provides a framework of strategies and interventions for the national education system in order to cope with the effects of COVID-19 (English).Workplace Guidelines/ Instructions for COVID-19
The institute has issued a set of instructions and recommendations for the organization and employers to avoid spreading COVID-19 (English).COVID-19 Signs & Precaution
The poster describes the practices one should use in order to prevent and stop the spread of COVID-19. It also includes the symptoms that potentially indicate that an individual is positive for the virus (English & Urdu).Health Guidelines for Education Institutions Reopening during COVID-19 Pandemic
The guidelines provide instructions for reopening education institutions during COVID 19 Pandemic. It covers essential aspects of the safe re-opening of all institutions (English).COVID-19 Economic Vulnerability vs Health Emergency
The fifth issue of the journal is dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic. It focuses on the challenges, their implications, and possible solutions to address the economic vulnerability during the health emergency (English).Localized Action for Social Behavior Change in COVID-19
The collection of case studies highlights how behavior campaigns are geared towards engaging the local population in safety practices to prevent COVID-19 (English).Guidelines for Adult Vaccination Counters (AVCs) in Pakistan
The guideline outlines the necessary information for the 582 designated health facilities where the AVCs have been established (English).COVID Vaccination – Guideline for Frontline Healthcare Workers
The guideline outlines the procedure of the COVID vaccination of frontline healthcare workers (English & Urdu).- Guidelines for Public Pools, Water Playgrounds, and Amusement Parks during COVID-19
The guidelines have been issued to provide health and safety provisions for the administration and workers/staff of recreational facilities including public pools, water playgrounds, amusement parks, etc. for the public to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection and transmission (English).
- Interim Guidelines for Reopening Tourism
The guidelines include the issued SOPs and guidance on public health measures to combat health hazards posed by the revival of tourism in the country during the COVID-19 pandemic (English). - COVID-19 Vaccine, Use of Additional Dose(s) for Travel (Interim Guidelines)
The ministry has issued guidelines to provide guidance/instructions for the administration of additional dose(s) for international travel. It details the dosage timeline, age-based administration, steps for administration, booster dose vaccination centers in major cities, and vaccine waste management (English). - Guidelines: Home Isolation and Discharge during COVID-19
The guideline provides the diagnosed (test positive) individuals, health care provider, and the caretakers of the diagnosed persons regarding home isolation (and discharge) when they or more of the household members become infected with the COVID-19 virus (English). - Guidelines for COVID-19 Booster Dose
The SOP and guidance explain the public health measures to combat health hazards posed by the revival of vaccine booster doses in the country during the COVID-19 pandemic (English). - Interim Guidelines for Options for COVID Vaccines 2nd Dose
The SOP and guidance elaborate on the public health measures to combat health hazards posed by the revival of second vaccine doses in the country during the COVID-19 pandemic (English).
Infographics & Posters
- Protection from COVID-19
The poster explains how individuals can protect themselves from COVID-19 by practicing precautions that include cleaning public places, cleaning hands with soap, avoiding shaking hands with others, staying at home, and working from home (Urdu).
Use of Mask for Protection from COVID-19
The poster explains the use of the mask for both infected persons and their care-takers. It also details the other parameters for mask use, complementary practices, and proper disposal of masks (Urdu).Symptoms and Effects of COVID-19
The poster explains the many symptoms and effects of the disease. It also details the many precautions that can prevent the spread of the disease (Urdu).Cause, Symptoms, and Prevention from COVID-19
The booklet was created to inform children about the spread, symptoms, and prevention of COVID-19 (Urdu).School Opening SOPs and Prevention from COVID-19
The booklet highlights the actions and preventive measures to be taken for the safe reopening of educational institutions in Pakistan (Urdu).
- Protection from COVID-19
The video explains precautionary measures such as washing hands, avoiding handshaking, and social distancing. It provides a detailed step-by-step procedure for handwashing (Saraiki).
- Importance Of Social Distancing
The video explains the benefits of social distancing and how to maintain distance. It also details the measures that the government has taken to ensure social distancing and to encourage staying inside (Urdu).
- Webinar Recording
The video contains a recording of webinars conducted on different topics related to COVID-19 (Urdu).
- No Panic Guideline for COVID-19
The webinar focuses on addressing the perceptions that have created panic among the general public (English & Urdu).
- Authentic Knowledge Resources for COVID-19
The webinar seeks to provide insight into authentic knowledge resources for COVID-19 (English & Urdu).
SME Preparedness and Response Strategies
The webinar details the preparedness and response strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) amid the COVID-19 pandemic (English & Urdu).COVID-19 Prevention, Response & Recovery
The webinar explains the steps to prevent COVID-19, the best response plan against it, and how to best recover once affected (English & Urdu).Detail Home Quarantine Procedures
The webinar explains the steps to be taken and the procedure for home quarantine (English & Urdu).Sphere Guidance for COVID-19
The webinar explains how Sphere guides/standards can be best adopted during a response to COVID-19 (English & Urdu).Importance of Social Distancing During COVID-19
The music video explains the importance of social distancing as a safety measure during COVID-19. The video was published by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Urdu).
* Cover by Unsplash.