06 March 2025

Office of the Municipal Administrator, Ainaro Municipality

The Strengthening Partnerships for Community Resilience in Indonesia and Timor-Leste (SPRINT) project concluded its implementation in Ainaro Municipality with an experience-sharing workshop on 06 March 2025. The event, held at the Office of the Municipal Administrator, brought together key stakeholders to reflect on the project’s impact on disaster preparedness and resilience in Timor-Leste.

A local community leader shares her insights and experiences on SPRINT project implementation.

Implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) in collaboration with local civil society organizations (CSOs) NAFOFILA and MAHARU, SPRINT enhanced community-based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) efforts in Timor-Leste. The project actively engaged government agencies such as the Civil Protection Authority (CPA) of Timor-Leste and reached four sucos (villages) in Ainaro Municipality, implementing activities on disaster preparedness, response planning, and climate resilience.

Mr. Albertino de Araújo, Secretary II on Investment Planning and Integrated Development (PIDI), representing the President of Ainaro Municipal Authority, expressed appreciation to NAFOFILA and MAHARU for implementing SPRINT in select villages of Ainaro Municipality. He said, “Líder lokál sira espresa otimizmu kona-ba sustentabilidade husi esforsu sira-ne’e tanba membru komunidade sira agora envolve ativu iha monitorizasaun no atualizasaun ba sira-nia planu preparasaun no mitigasaun ba dezastre. Autoridade sira rekoñese katak hanoin sira ne’ebé hetan hosi projetu la’ós de’it hadi’a ona kapasidade jestaun risku imediatu nian maibé mós estabelese ona fundasaun sólidu ida ba estratéjia dezenvolvimentu ida ba tempu naruk ne’ebé ho objetivu atu hamenus vulnerabilidade inerente sira iha munisípiu.” (Local leaders expressed optimism about the sustainability of these efforts as community members are now actively engaged in monitoring and updating their disaster preparedness and mitigation plans. The authorities recognize that the insights gained from the project have not only improved immediate risk management capabilities but also established a solid foundation for a long-term development strategy aimed at reducing inherent vulnerabilities in the municipality.)

The experience-sharing workshop served as a platform for stakeholders to exchange key insights and lessons gained from the project. Representatives from the CPA and local government agencies underscored how SPRINT’s capacity-building interventions and technical support strengthened local disaster response capabilities. Participants also shared success stories of how the project empowered communities to implement risk reduction measures.

Participants of the experience-sharing workshop pose for a group photo.

Mr. Jerri Manuel Magno, Administrator of Ainaro-vila, which is one of the four sub-districts of Ainaro Municipality, expressed deep gratitude for the project, saying, “Iha hau nia suku rasik Manu-Taci, SPRINT implementa ona atividade estabelesimentu instalasaun tanke ba prezenrvasaun no fornesimentu bee moos ba komunidade atu bele asesu ho distansia ne’ebé besik liu, ne’e parte rezultadu prinsipal servisu no kontribuisaun husi parseiru nian, ne’e ajuda tebes governu lokal.” (In my own village of Manu-Taci, SPRINT has implemented the activity of establishing the installation of tanks for preservation and supply of clean water to the community to be able to access with a closer distance, this is part of the main result of the work and contribution of partners, this helps the local government.)

During the event, NAFOFILA and MAHARU expressed their commitment to sustaining the gains of the project through continued collaboration with communities, government, and other local partners. Local community groups echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of integrating disaster risk reduction into development planning.

Ms. Rita da Costa, Director of Services for Water, Sanitation, and Environment (SMASA) of Ainaro Municipality, requested the communities to effectively manage the water systems installed through the SPRINT project. To ensure its continuity in the future, she emphasized that SMASA is ready to support and facilitate the increase of technical knowledge for the operation and maintenance of the water supply system.

Workshop participants sign a commitment banner to pledge continued support.

The event concluded with stakeholders reaffirming their commitment to strengthening disaster resilience in Timor-Leste. As a symbolic gesture, participants signed a commitment banner prepared by NAFOFILA and MAHARU, pledging continued support beyond SPRINT’s implementation period. Funded by Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP), SPRINT has played a crucial role in shaping Ainaro Municipality’s disaster preparedness landscape, laying the groundwork for sustained community resilience efforts.