Strengthening Preparedness for Emergency Response through Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation in Lao PDR

Implementation Locations

A program for “Strengthening Preparedness for Emergency Response through Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation in Southeast Asia” was launched with additional support from United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID BHA) in July 2020. Under this initiative, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) will work with selected partners in Lao PDR to adapt the Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) partnership model towards establishing a ‘’Lao Preparedness Partnership’’ platform with representation from the government, local humanitarian organizations, and the private sector.

Key Partners

Department of Social Welfare (DSW)
Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MoLSW)

Local Humanitarian Network:
Lao Civil Society Organizations

Private Sector Network:
Lao National Chamber of Chamber
of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI)

Improved humanitarian response to disasters in Lao PDR

Recent Publications


Multi-stakeholder Cooperation in Lao PDR 


Strengthening Preparedness for Emergency Response through Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation in Lao PDR

APP News


MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) Between the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Represented by the Department of Social Welfare, and the Community Health and Inclusion Association (CHIAS), Lao PDR.


Co-creation Workshop for Designing the Activity Plan for Lao Disaster Preparedness Partnership (LDPP) under Asian Preparedness Partnership Phase 3


Lao PDR Update (January – February 2023)


Learning with Laos: South-South Knowledge Exchange through APP

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