In 2018, there were 315 natural disaster events recorded with 11,804 deaths, over 68 million people affected, and US$131.7 billion1 in economic losses across the world. The burden was not shared equally as Asia suffered the highest impact and accounted for 45% of disaster events, 80% of deaths, and 76% of people affected.
Globally, Indonesia recorded nearly half the total deaths (47%), while India recorded the highest number of people affected (35%). Earthquakes were the deadliest type of disaster accounting for 45% of deaths, followed by flooding at 24%. Flooding affected the highest number of people, accounting for 50% of the total affected, followed by storms which accounted for 28%. Given Asia’s large land mass, higher population relative to other continents, and multiple hazard risks, the results are not surprising.
This report has been put together by CRED to provide objective data for assessing communities’ vulnerability to disasters and help policy-makers set priorities for disaster preparedness.