Mr. Jerri Manuel Magno, Administrator of Ainaro-vila, which is one of the four sub-districts of Ainaro Municipality, expressed deep gratitude for the project, saying, “Iha hau nia suku rasik Manu-Taci, SPRINT implementa ona atividade estabelesimentu instalasaun tanke ba prezenrvasaun no fornesimentu bee moos ba komunidade atu bele asesu ho distansia ne’ebé besik liu, ne’e parte rezultadu prinsipal servisu no kontribuisaun husi parseiru nian, ne’e ajuda tebes governu lokal.” (In my own village of Manu-Taci, SPRINT has implemented the activity of establishing the installation of tanks for preservation and supply of clean water to the community to be able to access with a closer distance, this is part of the main result of the work and contribution of partners, this helps the local government.)