April 30, 2024

                                                                                                                                                        Phnom Penh

The Federation of Associations for Small and Medium Enterprises of Cambodia (FASMEC) successfully conducted a comprehensive workshop focused on enhancing disaster management capabilities within the private sector. Held in Phnom Penh, the event was organized under the Preparedness Partnership of Cambodia (PPC) and falls under the umbrella of the Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP). Key stakeholders, including high-ranking government officials and representatives from private enterprises, participated.

The Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) is a unique multi-stakeholder regional partnership established by its founding member countries, which include Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Formed in 2017 with technical and secretariat support from the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) as well as assistance from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the Foundation) and the United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID BHA). It was expanded to include Lao PDR as its seventh country in 2023. Its goal is to achieve ‘‘safer and well-prepared communities through locally-led disaster risk management (DRM) actions so that disaster impacts on at-risk communities of Asia will be reduced”.

The Preparedness Partnership of Cambodia (PPC) is a collaborative initiative designed to enhance disaster preparedness and response within Cambodia. The PPC brings together key stakeholders, including government officials from the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) Cambodia, the civil society organizations (CSOs) network, the Cambodia Humanitarian Forum (CHF), and the private sector network, the Federation of Associations of Small and Medium Enterprises (FASMEC) in Cambodia (FASMEC), to foster a coordinated approach to disaster management.

H.E Prak Kimhong, Deputy Secretary-General of NCDM, and Mr. Oknha Te Tang Po, President of the Alliance of Small and Medium Enterprises Associations in Cambodia, steered the workshop. The primary objective was to discuss and reinforce the critical role of private enterprises in disaster management, ensuring their preparedness and active participation in national efforts.

H.E Prak Kimhong emphasized the importance of disaster management mechanisms and the collaborative role between the private sector and the Royal Government. “Engaging the private sector in disaster management is vital for building resilience and ensuring a coordinated response during emergencies,” he stated. He also highlighted the benefits the private sector would gain from this engagement, including enhanced safety, continuity, and potential government support.

Mr. Oknha Te Tang Po reiterated the commitment of small and medium enterprises to supporting national disaster management initiatives. “Our businesses are not just economic entities but integral parts of the community that must be prepared to act swiftly and effectively in times of crisis,” he noted.

Participants gained in-depth insights into disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness, and response strategies. The interactive sessions facilitated knowledge sharing and networking, encouraging enterprises to adopt robust disaster management practices.

The workshop concluded with a renewed commitment from both the government and the private sector to strengthen the nation’s disaster management framework. This collaborative approach, under the auspices of PPC and APP, aims to mitigate disaster impacts, protect communities, and sustain economic stability.