
Official Website 

  • The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP)
    The ministry provides the national context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The site includes information regarding the latest situation, guidance regarding healthcare and patient care, the latest news reports, and IEC material (English & Nepali).

 Reports & Guidelines  

Infographics & Posters

  • Reduce Your Risk
    The ministry has developed 15 posters that explain the preventative measures for COVID-19; this information includes information regarding food safety, wet markets, and traveling (English). 

  • Protocol for ILI Clinics
    The protocol was established for Influenza-like illness (ILI) clinics that are also screening for cases of COVID-19. It provides procedures for suspected cases based on symptoms (English). 

  • Clinical Approach to a Patient with Suspected COVID-19
    The guideline has been developed based on WHO guidelines to detail the clinical management of COVID 19 patients (English). 

  • Protocol for COVID-19 Screening at Point of Entry
    The point of screening is developed by the MoHP based on WHO guidelines regarding the point of screening, and entry screening of the suspected COVID-19 patients. It also provides a protocol for health care facilities in the context of these cases (English). 

  • COVID-19 Poster
    The posters have been developed to provide an illustrative depiction of the basic preventative measures that are globally practiced in order to prevent COVID-19 (Nepali).  

  • Public Health Standard Graphics for COVID-19
    The infographic provides information on mandatory health standards and rules that need to be followed. It encourages people to follow these regulations such as maintaining a physical distance of two meters (six feet) and wearing surgical masks in public places and offices (Nepali).


Cover by Unsplash.