
To connect and engage effectively with member countries, APP through its one-stop knowledge hub has developed tools that bridge critical gaps of functional information, skills and knowledge during emergency response. Building on the network in creating a ‘community of practice’ within APP, the ‘Practitioners Roster’ has been designed for surge and capacity building operations in APP countries. It will assist network partners in managing, mobilising and deploying staff in crisis across the region in a timely manner through information, alerts and requests for immediate needs and resources. The roster serves as an integral component to promote south-south learning within the region.




What does the roster offer?

The web based roster platform hosted on the APP portal allows members to connect with practitioners within their country and across the region, update their profiles, share documents and send alerts and information during disasters.

What are the benefits of joining?

  • Access to experts and practitioners in your domain,
  • Get alerts about disaster events from APP colleagues
  • Share real time information about your country requirements and needs
  • Opportunity to network virtually